Usui Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation. It is a form of alternative medicine. It is a spiritual healing art with its roots in Japanese origin. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means “Universal Life” and (Ki) which means “Energy” (or Chi / Qi in China and Prana in Sanskrit). It is life energy, vital life force or universal life energy.

It is based on the idea that all living things have a special energy flowing through them called life energy. When your life energy is high, you'll feel strong and confident, be more relaxed and centered and less likely to get sick. When it is low, you'll often feel tired, be more easily affected by stress and less resistant to illness. When the energy becomes weak or blocked it could lead to symptoms of physical or emotional imbalance. It is believed that a person’s “Ki” or energy should be strong and free flowing. “Ki” is vital life energy that flows around and through all living things. When this is true, a person’s body and mind is in a positive state of health.

 This life energy has an important role in everything we do and express in our life on earth.  Unlike many other cultures of the world, our western culture has no word for this wonderful life energy, therefore it is poorly understood and minimally researched. Interestingly, there are over 25 different names that other cultures around the world use to describe this “bio-energy.” As yoga, meditation, acupuncture and other alternative treatments gain popularity, we can see that Western culture is beginning to appreciate this vital force.

A Reiki treatment can feel like a warm glowing radiance that flows through the body. It is a very relaxing experience and some clients report the body feeling heavy as it relaxes and yet the spirit or emotions feeling light at the same time. A treatment will usually release negative feelings or thoughts leaving the client feeling more positive, light-hearted and with feelings of well-being.

Yin Yoga

Yin yoga is a slow paced style of modern yoga with postures, that are held for longer periods of time. Yin yoga poses apply moderate stress to the connective tissues of the body (tendons, fascia, and ligaments) with the aim of increasing circulation in the joints and improving flexibility. Here are the Yin yoga asanas (Postures). We use these asanas to help circulate the energies in the body. This can help get your energy moving and can be used before a reiki session.

1) Anahatasana (aka Melting Heart)

2) Ankle Stretch

3) Bananasana

4) Butterfly

5) Half butterfly

6) Camel

7) Cat pulling it’s tail

8) Caterpillar

9) Child’s pose

10) Dangling

11) Deer

12) Dragons

13) Frog

14) Happy baby

15) Reclining twists

16) Saddle

17) Shavasana

18) Shoelace

19) Snail

20) Sphinx and Seal

21) Square

22) Squat

23) Straddle (aka Dragonfly)

24) Swan & Sleeping swan

25) Toe squat


There are many types of breathing exercises. It is used for the mind, body and spirit. Breathwork is also used in other healing modalities such as meditation, reiki or yoga. Some of the different techniques of breathwork are shamanic breathwork, holotropic breathwork, rebirthing, transformational breath, etc.

Breathwork is a simple technique that can be used to heal ourselves. It can bring us conscious awareness of the present. Overall, breathwork aids in improving our emotional, physical, mental and spiritual well-being.  It is used for self-discovery, self-growth and self-awareness. It can reduce stress, boost your immune system, improve concentration and is the most simple gift we have been given in this life as a healing tool for ourselves.

There are many resources out there you can find on breathwork. You can even youtube different exercises. At the Sun & her Moon we support this healing modality. We have supportive instructors and if you are not in our area we can even aid in directing you to any resources we have used or another healing space, workshop or Teacher to further your self healing journey.

10 Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

With the support of our partnered Non-Profit Organization “One Love Foundation” We have provided resources on signs of an unhealthy relationship. We are not taught in schools about healthy relationships. As a parent, teacher, friend, relative and sibling we feel that with the awareness and educational videos we are able to recognize the signs and behaviors of our loved ones so that we can better support them.

10 Signs of an Healthy Relationship